recursive commands?

Gavin Panella gavin.panella at
Wed Aug 5 10:34:00 BST 2009

On Wed, 5 Aug 2009 05:49:09 +0000 (UTC)
knubee <knubee at> wrote:

> is there a straightforward way to tell bzr to ignore all files (including those
> in subdirectories) of a certain pattern?
> example: 
>   bzr ignore *.*~ does not seem to descend into subdirectories

Check what is ending up in your .bzrignore file. It could be that your
shell is expanding *.*~ into real file names. If so, either edit
.bzrignore or quote the pattern in the command:

  bzr ignore '*.*~'

>   bzr -R ignore *.*~ generates an "unknown flag" error
> actually, this is just a specific case of the more general question: how to have
> bzr commands (e.g., ignore, remove, etc.) applied to files in subdirectories?
> thanks.

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