Call for participation: Bazaar Windows team

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at
Wed Aug 5 10:26:38 BST 2009

On 05/08/2009 09:48, Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> This this is mind, I believe the time has now come for us to create a
> dedicated bzr-windows mailing list for community members looking for a
> forum with a higher signal-to-noise ratio about issues on Windows and
> the overall experience there.

I don't mind following (sometime flying above...) the current ML, 
although I wish we have more separated lists: I am, in general, not 
interested by the [MERGE] messages, so I mark them as read 
automatically... Likewise, the technical discussions of developers 
(about Python stuff, not about UI and such) is less appealing to mundane 
users like me.
Now, I reckon it might be difficult to separate some of the threads.

> To join, please visit and sign up to
> the team. A request for a mailing list for that team is in the queue and
> should hopefully be approved shortly.


> NOTE: You do *not* need to be a bzr developer to join this team, just
> interested in making the user experience on Windows a better one.

OK, I am not (yet?) a Python programmer, so I will try and help with 
testing, advice, translation, depending on free time of course.

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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