Hello, and a question..
songofacandy at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 04:44:11 BST 2009
>> I have lp:bzr stacked branch and bzr ls, bzr info, bzr status commands
>> use network.
> You have a local branch stacked on lp:bzr, or you have a branch on
> Launchpad stacked on lp:bzr and then a checkout of that?
> The first case is supported, but not guaranteed to be fast if the
> fallback repository is remote; bzr often reads from both the stacked
> and stacked-on repository.
I have tryied first case before.
I tryied second case after your mail.
bzr co --lightweight lp:bzr bzr-co
cd bzr-co
<cut network>
bzr ls
bzr: ERROR: Unable to connect to SSH host bazaar.launchpad.net;
(10053, 'Software caused c
onnection abort')
bzr info
bzr: ERROR: Unable to connect to SSH host bazaar.launchpad.net;
(11001, 'getaddrinfo faile
>> Is there any API for look workingtree without connecting branch/repository?
> I think most wt APIs should not open the branch. info, for example,
> does open the branch, because it tells you about the branch. ls
> should not; status I think should not.
I tried bzrlib.workingtree.WrokingTree.open_containing() from IPython.
It failed without network.
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