Things to remove for 2.0

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Sat Jul 25 03:02:03 BST 2009

"Matthew D. Fuller" <fullermd at> writes:

> There are any number of ways to end up in the situation you get to
> after ci --local. The most obvious is unbind ; commit ; bind. I'm not
> nearly so worried about problems coming from that, because running
> unbind is an easily understood explicit statement that you now want to
> work on a branch independently of $BOUNDLOC. Having the command/option
> "ci --local" makes it too easy to DO that without necessarily THINKING
> that's what you're doing, and that's how trouble starts.

So what do you advise for those who *do* want an easy way to perform one
commit locally on an otherwise-bound branch?

The use case I've seen for this is:

* start with bound branch

* hack hack hack

* ‘bzr commit’

  * connection fails

* ‘bzr commit --local’

  * commit succeeds

* hack hack hack

* ‘bzr commit’

  * commit succeeds

It seem that without ‘bzr commit --local’, this requires the user to
manually un-bind, which is a *persistent* state instead of being just
for one commit. Why should the user need to remember that state?

 \     “To punish me for my contempt of authority, Fate has made me an |
  `\                   authority myself.” —Albert Einstein, 1930-09-18 |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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