Things to remove for 2.0

Michael B. Trausch mbt at
Fri Jul 24 09:23:39 BST 2009

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:

> So, 2.0 being a Big Milestone, it's a good place to switch defaults
> around.  It's also a good time to remove things in a kinda
> compat-breaking way.  We won't get another pre-3.0 chance.  I want to
> bring up a few.
> * clone   (alias of branch)
>  I'd like to see this command name used one day for the action of
>  creating a copy of a repository (or repository-like entity).
>  Especially if done with git-style branches, it's a good synonym for
>  'git clone'.  However, right now it means 'branch'.  If we're ever
>  going to use it for anything else, we need to get rid of it ASAP so
>  that places and people using it can break and stop.  After it's
>  meant nothing for a while, we can much more confidently make it mean
>  something different; pulling a switch with little or no downtime has
>  too much potential to break things in a screwup way rather than a
>  fail way.

+1.  Some way of nicely fetching a complete remote repository would be great, 
IMHO, and using “clone” as the verb seems exactly correct to me.

 	--- Mike

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