Things to remove for 2.0

Matthew D. Fuller fullermd at
Fri Jul 24 08:28:46 BST 2009

So, 2.0 being a Big Milestone, it's a good place to switch defaults
around.  It's also a good time to remove things in a kinda
compat-breaking way.  We won't get another pre-3.0 chance.  I want to
bring up a few.

* ci --local

  We've been around this a few times.  It's just an attractive
  nuisance, to people who want to think "offline commit", without
  realizing they're implicitly getting into "distributed development"
  by doing so.  Extra complication comes from unpleasantries with
  'update' after doing so.  This is really a bound branch action, and
  in that case using unbind is a much better declaration of intention
  and comprehension.

* clone   (alias of branch)

  I'd like to see this command name used one day for the action of
  creating a copy of a repository (or repository-like entity).
  Especially if done with git-style branches, it's a good synonym for
  'git clone'.  However, right now it means 'branch'.  If we're ever
  going to use it for anything else, we need to get rid of it ASAP so
  that places and people using it can break and stop.  After it's
  meant nothing for a while, we can much more confidently make it mean
  something different; pulling a switch with little or no downtime has
  too much potential to break things in a screwup way rather than a
  fail way.

* More?  Probably.

Matthew Fuller     (MF4839)   |  fullermd at
Systems/Network Administrator |
           On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.

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