Anyone preparing the Mac OS X 10.5 installer for 1.17?

Jean-Francois Roy bahamut at
Fri Jul 24 07:49:55 BST 2009

That's absolutely brilliant. Thanks. I'll check the installer tomorrow.

On Jul 23, 2009, at 23:45, Guillermo Gonzalez wrote:

> Hi!
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Jean-Francois Roy<bahamut at 
> > wrote:
>> If not, I'll pick that up over the weekend...
> I just uploaded a dmg for 10.5 (this is my first attemp, so I'ld like
> someone to test it before updating the wiki)
> btw, I've been working on ease the build process, mostly for 10.4, but
> now it works on 10.5! :D
> the branch: lp:~verterok/bzr/OSX-10.4-dmg/
> it's basically one file (with plugins, versions, urls, etc)
> and a few scripts that use the config.
> e.g:
> - to build all the plugins and bzr it's just a matter of executing two
> scripts: scripts/ and scripts/
> - to build the PDF documentation: scripts/
> The branch also includes the 1.17 .pmdoc file, so it can be reused for
> other releases.
> Regards,

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