metronome mail for Bazaar 2.0 (or 1.18) - 6 August

Martin Pool mbp at
Fri Jul 24 04:31:25 BST 2009


There are now two weeks remaining before the first release candidate
for bzr 2.0rc1, on the 6th of August.  I'll be your RM for this

The focus of this release is to make available a stable and
well-tested 2a format.

There are about 15 reviews in the queue at
<> -- at the moment
code seems to be flowing in fairly well, but there are some patches in
there that still need decisions or to be finished off.

The bugs targeted to this release are visible in
<>, of which the most
important are:

 * setting the default format and fixing any tests from that
 * various errors raised during 2a
 * fixing bundles with 2a to use inventory deltas
 * fixing InterDifferingSerializer on stacked branches

We won't slip this release, but depending on testing feedback we may
defer general recommendation of 2a until we're sure it's stable, in
which case this release will be called 1.18.

Launchpad used the 2a format for their recent source release, which
had many downloads and apparently hit few problems, other than
identifying excessive memory usage when branching.

Martin <>

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