[RFC] push and --no-strict and QBzr

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Thu Jul 23 10:13:27 BST 2009

Recently bzr 1.17 has changed default behavior of push command, and now 
it checks working tree for uncommitted changes and even prevent user to 
push if working tree is out of date (sic!).

This is very serious change and I hope there was really serious reasons 
for this. Unfortunately now all development activity going behind the 
scenes in LP merge requests, so I have no idea if there was discussion 
on this topic or not, but I don't remember any discussion in mailing 
list on this topic. Maybe I've missed it. Can anybody point me on 
rationale for this change?

However this change has very bad side effect on QBzr and makes our qpush 
dialog very hard to use, therefore for non-clean tree it's "broken" and 
I'm in trouble to fix it.

I don't think it makes sense to add visible checkbox to qpush to reflect 
this option, although we can do it. But this change should be 
conditional, because QBzr supports and bzr < 1.17.

Another way is to force --no-strict inside qpush always and get old 
behaviour for free IIUC. I'm not sure is it right either.

Another way will be: don't do anything and teach all qbzr users how to 
setup alias with --no-strict:

bzr alias push="push --no-strict"

This one dont sound right for me at all.

I'm very confused by the change in core push command and I don't 
understand it (this is all about of teach newbies through the pain, 
maybe?), so I'd like to hear some advices how we should "fix" qpush now, 
especially from qbzr users.

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