Character escapes in Bazaar configuration URLs (was: bzr 1.17 released!)
Ben Finney
ben+bazaar at
Tue Jul 21 09:27:09 BST 2009
Martin Pool <mbp at> writes:
> 2009/7/21 Ben Finney <ben+bazaar at>:
> > Jonathan Lange <jml at> writes:
> >> * Tildes are no longer escaped by Transports. (Andy Kilner)
> >
> > Does this apply retroactively to URLs in existing branches? That is,
> > will a branch that already recorded a URL with a tilde before 1.17
> > continue to show the tilde escaped using 1.17?
> From memory I think the change is in how we show URLs. So if you have
> an already-working config that was just showing the URL escaped, it'll
> now change to not do so.
Researching what I was talking about some more, it turns out that the
URLs get stored (in ‘.bzr/branch/branch.conf’) with percent-escaping in
the configuration::
bound_location =
I was hoping that the storage (from previous versions) was unescaped::
bound_location =
but apparently not.
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Ben Finney
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