[RFC] bzr whatnow: Inline help on workflows

Marius Kruger amanic at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 06:12:47 BST 2009

2009/7/20 Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at canonical.com>:
> I took the first steps towards making Explorer workflow aware on the
> weekend. When you open a branch and see the status, a "What's next?"
> section now appears at the end if there are changes:

I noticed it and it is awesome!
It definitely reduces the amount of thinking required when working whith it,
which is a good thing IMO since you really should be thinking about the
code you are busy with and not have to page out too much to swap in
your full VCS stack.
When I see the 'whats next' section I found that I can just start
clicking away at its icons in it,
and don't need to think about any other options available in the menu.

> * if there are conflicts, it suggests resolving them
> * if there are unversioned items, it suggests adding them, ignoring
>  them or deleting them
> * if there are neither of these but changes or pending merges, it
>  suggests diff or commit.
> A small start but it works really nicely IMO. Extending it to other
> parts of the UI shouldn't be hard. Next weekend maybe. :-)

bzr-explorer makes my toes curl up and my eyes roll back into my head
from pure ecstasy. I cant explain how much I enjoy using it and am really
exited about where it is going.

<| regards
U| Marius
H| <><

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