Nicholas Allen
nick.allen at onlinehome.de
Fri Jul 17 12:22:39 BST 2009
Thanks John for the info. I will look into procmail and see if I can
work it out...
John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Nicholas Allen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We would really like to use PQM at work but the documentation is non
>> existant. I don't mind documenting this properly on the wiki if someone
>> can help me get started. When I run pqm it complains about missing
>> import of config_manager so I deleted this import and it seems to run
>> now. The problem is I don't know how to get an email to an address to be
>> written as a merge request in the queue directory. Can anyone point me
>> in the right direction?
>> Cheers,
>> Nick
> I believe redirecting an email into the queue is done via a procmail
> filter, though Robert Collins would be the one to ask.
> I'm pretty sure you are fine removing 'config_manager', as I think it is
> a "soft" dependency. (Handle it if the user asks, don't use it otherwise.)
> John
> =:->
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