RFC: bzr rm is hard to use
Marius Kruger
amanic at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 08:46:23 BST 2009
2009/7/17 Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com>
> I don't think you're doing anything wrong with that blueprint as such,
> except that normally the text of it is kept in the wiki or some other
> source rather than in the whiteboard, which is not versioned.
done: http://bazaar-vcs.org/Specs/bzr-rm-behaviour
> The main feature of specs is that they can keep systematic track of
> whether it's approved or not, and of different roles that people have.
> This issue of agreeing on approach as separate from implementation
> does apply to this bug. There's no rule that feature changes need to
> be in specs and problems in bugs.
> However, generally speaking we're not using specs very much
maybe we should note that fact on the bzr launchpad overview page,
to avoid future mishaps.
> and
> they're not improving as fast as Launchpad Bugs are, so I really would
> suggest a bug instead.
done: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/400554
> > We need to choose how would like it to work:
Option 1) delete the files by default
Option 2) we keep the files by default
> By consensus I meant option 1 but looking at later mail it may not be
> consensus quite yet.
It also looks to me if option 1 is winning and is closer to what we
have now, but not everybody agrees.
In the end there can be only one default, so we have to choose.
So somebody can make a call, we can vote or we can discuss this endlessly :-)
I think I'm going with option 1 for now unless somebody violently objects.
<| sorry for all the noise
U| Marius
H| <><
Z| it takes but a moment to make a mess, but it can take hours to clean it up
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