Final metronome email: 1.17rc1 released, 1.17 on Monday, July 20th.

Jonathan Lange jml at
Wed Jul 15 01:53:47 BST 2009


1.17rc1 has been released, and I anticipate releasing 1.17 proper on
Monday, July 20th.

The following bugs are marked for 1.17 but have _not_ landed.

#390502  	 bzr's development should dogfood format 2a
#397705  	 inventory delta consistency checks are missing known problems ...
#399356  	 failure to build win32 installers for 1.17rc1
#399366  	 1.17 extensions are not compatible with python 2.4
#332194  	 reconfiguring lightweight checkout with remote repo to branch ...


Three of these bugs have branches up, all approved for merging into
trunk. Should I merge these into 1.17 & merge them back into trunk
from there, or should I wait for them to land on trunk?


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