[RFC] bzr whatnow: Inline help on workflows

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at GMX.net
Tue Jul 14 08:09:54 BST 2009

On 13/07/2009 19:14, Jerome Leclanche wrote:
> My proposal is to add a command, either in bzr or bzrtools, that will 
> query the current environment and provide inline help on the user's 
> workflow depending on local changes, so on. Look at it like a "What 
> should I do now?". Example:

A very cool idea that seems very original. A kind of wizard, on the 
command line...
Perhaps not obvious to implement, as it might need some kind of expert 
system to find out at which point of a workflow the user is.
It would need a formalization of workflows, perhaps with a kind of DSL 
to describe them, and rules to infer where the user is with regard to 
workflow states, from various information from the repository.
If properly done, it could be flexible enough to adapt to in-house rules 
of each programming shop (while offering "standard" set of rules, of 

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
--  http://Phi.Lho.free.fr
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