RFC/discuss get_missing_command fires too often

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Jul 13 02:53:44 BST 2009

On Mon, 2009-07-13 at 11:39 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> > I think it would be better to modify the default command
> > suppliers (plugin_cmds and the buitins scanner) inside bzrlib to
> instead
> > note whether the particular registration has requested decoration at
> > command object creation time. As our built in suppliers are ordered
> and
> > the first things registered we can reasonably expect this to be
> robust.
> What do you mean by that? 

I'll put a patch together this week to improve the get_missing_command

In the above paragraph I mean that _get_plugin_command should check
whether an existing command had been found (command lookup works as a
pipeline). If one was found and there is a registered plugin command of
the same name, it should *at that point* perform the policy check for
'are we overriding' - rather than doing it at the 'register_command'

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