A simpler test framework? (was: Re: The 'easy' tag)

Gioele Barabucci gioele at svario.it
Thu Jul 9 10:34:01 BST 2009

Vincent Ladeuil wrote:

> Hmpf, typo there, I think you meant: so we could set up a project
> to improve our test framework so that the tests too become easy
> to write.
I'd love to see a better test framework or, at least, a through guide to 
making new tests.

I have a couple of patches with new little features that I'd like to send 
but I don't because I know that they cannot be commited as they are now, 
i.e. without tests to test these features.

A simpler test framework could lower the barrier to development for 
newcomers, a barrier that now is quite high IMHO.

Gioele Barabucci <gioele at svario.it>

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