Birmingham sprint report
Jonathan Lange
jml at
Tue Jul 7 04:44:34 BST 2009
The first ever Bazaar sprint in the first ever Birmingham is well and truly
over. Here's the low-down.
Jonathan Lange (jml)
Wouter van Heyst (LarstiQ)
Andy Kilner (gnublade)
Russel Winder (russel)
Stephen Emslie (semslie)
Szilveszter Farkas (phanatic)
The sprint went ran on the Friday and Saturday after EuroPython 2009.
As you might remember, the goal of the sprint was to work on cool UI stuff:
bling, papercuts, little annoying fixes, simple obvious missing features etc.
We stuck pretty well to this goal. Here's roughly what got done:
* Fixed #217031, "bzr launchpad-login -v MYNAME" gives no feedback (jml)
* Fixed a tilde -> %7E URL translation glitch (gnublade)
* Released 1.16.1 for OS X & documented how to do it. (szi)
* Fixed up supported Python version info in bzr (russel)
* Provided a patch for bug #213185, tag conflicts do not change exit code.
* Fixed ugly exception being raised on network error in bug #247958 (jml)
* Submitted patch for #84659, it's been rejected but the bug has moved
forward. (jml)
* Updated subvertpy ppa. (LarstiQ)
And here are some things that we need your help with, still:
* Submitted RFC patch for LP API support. Still waiting on replies. (jml)
* Submitted RFC patch for fixing the URL that remote smart servers suggest
for break-lock. The patch has had replies, but is still waiting on
_something_ -- a firm "yes" perhaps? (LarstiQ)
* Worked on bug #308472, getting 'info' to show the server version. Not sure
what state the bug is in now, I'm pretty sure Stephen sent a patch.
(gnublade, semslie)
* I have "#183089 (gnublade)" but I have no idea what that means.
Apologies if I've missed anyone or anything. Please correct me if I have!
I also cheated a little and submitted a patch to Launchpad which will make the
public API way more useful for Bazaar.
Some other things:
* It was particularly exciting for me to see Andy & Stephen dig into the
details of Bazaar and get all the way to submitting patches.
* It would have been nice to have an easier way of finding easy bugs to fix.
I sent an email to list about it, and I think it's been resolved (when
tagging with 'easy', always explain how to fix the bug).
* I was a little surprised to notice that people are running Bazaar 1.13 by
default, since that's the version of Bazaar that ships with Jaunty.
* At the EuroPython conference, Geoff Bache asked me about a patch of his
that has been languishing without review. I couldn't find this patch on
Launchpad or BundleBuggy, but then stumbled across bug 183831. There are
38 bugs that have patches[1].
* We had quite a few interruptions from people at other sprints who were
interested in Bazaar or Launchpad.
* I regularly mispronounced Wouter's name as "Jelmer". I'm an idiot.
* The coffee was terrible and the beer was very tasty.
I had a lot of fun. Thanks to the attendees and to the EuroPython organizers.
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