Strange failure with mv and commit

Maritza Mendez martitzam at
Sat Jul 4 03:00:07 BST 2009

Ok.  This is just too creepy.

This *works*:

bzr init t1
cd t1
touch a
bzr add a
bzr mv a b
bzr commit -m "call it b"
bzr mv b a
bzr commit -m "call it a"

but this *fails*:

bzr init t1
cd t1
touch b
bzr add b
bzr mv b a
bzr commit -m "call it a"
bzr mv a b
bzr commit -m "call it b"

Note that these are logically equivalent.  Only the names have changed.

This might bit might really blow you mind.

This *works*!

bzr init t1
cd t1
touch b
bzr add b
bzr mv b c
bzr commit -m "call it c"
bzr mv c b
bzr commit -m "call it b"

One begins to wonder if the collation order of the names matters.  As crzy
as this sounds, let us do an experiment.  We will create a file named '2'
and we will either demote it (to '1') or promote it (to '3') and then return
to '2'.

First, we do the promotion case.  This *works*:

bzr init t1
cd t1
touch 2
bzr add 2
bzr mv 2 3
bzr commit -m "call it 3"
bzr mv 3 2
bzr commit -m "call it 2"

And this *fails*:

bzr init t1
cd t1
touch 2
bzr add 2
bzr mv 2 1
bzr commit -m "call it 1"
bzr mv 1 2
bzr commit -m "call it 2"

Then my head explodes!

Could this possibly be true?

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