New plugin - bzr-guess

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at
Fri Jul 3 11:49:59 BST 2009

On 03/07/2009 14:32, Robert Collins wrote:
> I created this this evening, using the new command hooks that have
> landed in
> bzr branch lp:bzr-guess ~/.bazaar/plugins/guess and enjoy.
> $ bzr psh
> Command 'psh' not found, perhaps you meant 'push'? [y/n]: 

Ah, that's nice, how many times I have type bzr statu or bzr pul? :-)
Now if you type brz, you are out of luck, unless you make some shell aliases...

Ah, I missed the info "", it doesn't work with Bazaar 1.16-1.
I will wait a bit more... :-)

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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