Bazaar Explorer by Pictures

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Fri Jul 3 07:32:55 BST 2009

It looks like has some configuration
issues currently so, for those interested, here's the link to my blog
post last night on Bazaar Explorer:

As well as some nice pictures, there's a bit of background there on the
thinking behind its design. FWIW, I was in two minds about blogging
about Explorer just yet. It certainly isn't ready for Grandma, mainly
because the integration with init/branch/checkout/import has some
usability problems. OTOH, I'm off the command line for hours in a row
now. I'd also really like to get some KDE and OS X developers on-board
so issues in those environments are found and fixed faster. If that's
you, please join the team (

Ian C.

PS: I'm on vacation next week so please be sure to communicate via the
Bazaar mailing list rather than by emailing me directly.

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