Bazaar on IronPython

Martin (gzlist) gzlist at
Thu Jul 2 20:28:15 BST 2009

On 01/07/2009, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
> You'd have to question too why littering multiple tests with finally
> blocks is necessary.  We have methods like build_tree_contents and
> should be calling that rather than having many tests duplicate it.
> There is also addCleanup.
> Do you have a more specific case maybe?

Well, I added the `import gc; gc.collect()` hack because I'd already
made quite a few changes to file-lifetimes, and they were getting in
the way of seeing other kinds of issues. To be more specific, see the
attached selftest logs for one test suite file, with and without the
forced collect (this is on the current patch, with the added
cleanups). Not my call as to what's necessary, but dealing with it in
the first place seems not to have been.

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