Webinterface for Bazaar in PHP

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Jul 2 15:52:11 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Martin Albisetti wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 6:29 AM, Christian Grobmeier<grobmeier at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I am asking if somebody of you does know some more webinterfaces,
>>>> preferable written in PHP (please, don't beat me :-)) since PHP is the
>>>> only language running smoothly on my 1and1 webspace. Python is
>>>> officially supported, but I never got it managed to run a standard
>>>> script. Same to CGI/Perl.
> So, while I need to clean up some code, and can likely not provide
> something that's plug-and-play, I can provide you with some code that
> scans branches, uses xml-output to get data out of them and insert it
> into a mysql database. All done with PHP.
> You'd need to develop browsing revisions, but that's just hitting
> MySQL and displaying them with PHP, so it should be easy.
> If you're interested in hacking on it, I'll create a project in
> Launchpad and push a branch.

Of course, that requires that you have bzr and xml-output available.

It seems better to do the branch scanning etc from within python and
populate the mysql database directly. But maybe that's just me.


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