Webinterface for Bazaar in PHP

Martin Albisetti argentina at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 14:51:00 BST 2009

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 6:29 AM, Christian Grobmeier<grobmeier at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I am asking if somebody of you does know some more webinterfaces,
>>> preferable written in PHP (please, don't beat me :-)) since PHP is the
>>> only language running smoothly on my 1and1 webspace. Python is
>>> officially supported, but I never got it managed to run a standard
>>> script. Same to CGI/Perl.

So, while I need to clean up some code, and can likely not provide
something that's plug-and-play, I can provide you with some code that
scans branches, uses xml-output to get data out of them and insert it
into a mysql database. All done with PHP.
You'd need to develop browsing revisions, but that's just hitting
MySQL and displaying them with PHP, so it should be easy.
If you're interested in hacking on it, I'll create a project in
Launchpad and push a branch.


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