How can I mirror a directory structure with all repositories and branches?

Matt Nordhoff mnordhoff at
Thu Jul 2 13:28:18 BST 2009

Nicholas Allen wrote:
> Thanks - I considered this but rsync won't lock when users are
> committing to a branch. So it could mirror the directory in a half
> committed state. Is that what you meant by possible brokenness? The
> mirror needs to act as a reliable backup system and so brokenness if
> definitely not something we would want...
> Cheers,
> Nick

Oh, I didn't think of that.

By "brokenness", I meant actual corruption. Like, a user replacing
.bzr/repository/pack-names with a photo of his cat. (Or, more
realistically, one of those stacking bugs.) Something like rsync
wouldn't care at all, but Bazaar obviously would. What do you want your
mirror system to do if it comes across data like that? Email the user
with "you broke your branch!" and refuse to serve it, or copy the files
over verbatim?

I'm thinking about Launchpad here, to tell the truth. does not actually serve the exact same
files as bzr+ssh:// It makes a copy using Bazaar,
so that it'll be serving the same revisions, but the branch must be
valid, and e.g. the names of the pack files might be different. I was
wondering which you wanted. Like, Bazaar-level equivalence or file-level

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