Strange failure with mv and commit

Martin (gzlist) gzlist at
Thu Jul 2 10:45:46 BST 2009

Can someone else pull this bundle and run the tests to check I'm not
going mad here? One of them is marked as a KnownFailure for reasons I
don't understand yet, seems to depend on both level of abstraction and
string order/hash?

Can also try and reproduce the problem manually like so:

bzr init testbranch
cd testbranch
echo test>b
bzr add b
bzr mv b a
bzr commit -m "Actually no, a"
bzr mv a b
bzr commit -m "No, really, b"

For me the last command fails with:
aborting commit write group: DuplicateFileId(File id
{b-20090702092641-vu0f1oyeecugtu75-1} already exists in inventory as
InventoryFile('b-20090702092641-vu0f1oyeecugtu75-1', 'a',
sha1='fde773a18bb29f5ed65e6f0a7aa717fd1fa485d4', len=6,
revision=gzlist at
bzr: ERROR: File id {b-20090702092641-vu0f1oyeecugtu75-1} already
exists in inventory as
InventoryFile('b-20090702092641-vu0f1oyeecugtu75-1', 'a',
sha1='fde773a18bb29f5ed65e6f0a7aa717fd1fa485d4', len=6,
revision=gzlist at

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