What is KnitPackStreamSource _for_

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed Jul 1 23:57:20 BST 2009

On Wed, 2009-07-01 at 10:40 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> ...
> > For our formats, when fetch_order != 'topological' we have atomic
> > inserts. We could make that an explicit attribute on the repo format
> > too.
> > 
> >> 2) Similarly about fetching in topological order for Revisions (it
> >> does
> >> a topo_sort that we don't need.)
> > 
> > A topo sort is useful because it means adjacent revisions are adjacent
> > on disk. So its not -needed- but actually there is a bug open somewhere
> > about knitpack not ordering on disk properly.
> Well, 'bzr pack' on a KnitPack repository sorts in *reverse topological*
> order, so you end up doing backwards seeking to send it.

It orders *revisions*, but not texts. so for A:[], B:[A], you get B
first, then A, but no ordering for inventories or file texts.

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