Call for translations & QA for bzr-explorer 0.4

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at
Tue Jun 30 20:27:47 BST 2009

Some feedback on the translation side.
I used Launchpad's interface to start the French translation.
I liked it, particularly the fact to leverage the community translation 
from all projects.
With the 0.4 release, I was reminded to complete the translation.
I just updated it, but it isn't finished yet, there are some technical 
words I am not too sure how to translate (I don't feel Push and Pull 
should be translated naively to Pousser and Tirer, and not sure how to 
translate Checkout).
I found the Web interface to be less interesting for such update: I 
wanted to revise some translations as well as adding new ones. I wanted 
to use the feedback of the new version (seeing my translations in place) 
and found out I couldn't use the search feature.
So I used instead the export feature to .po format. I find the e-mail 
step useless and annoying. Why can't we download the file directly? Does 
it take time to generate it?
I used POEdit to revise the translation, with the added advantage to see 
the results in place at the small cost of a restart.

One think that annoy me in this Gettext idea, it the lack of information 
on the strings: are they for a button, a tooltip, a field label, a 
dialog title, etc.? Depending on placement, capitalization, among other 
things, is different. For some elements, the presence of accelerator (&) 
is a hint, but not enough.

Likewise, some strings can be translated differently depending on 
context. For example Update.
As a dialog title, it is a noun, I will translate it as Mise à jour.
As a menu item, it is a verb, translated to Mettre à jour.
None can be translated to Aucun or Aucune, depending on what is absent.
And so on. Having only one translation per string might be limiting.

Back to Bazaar Explorer, it is nice it memorizes the window size I have 
chosen, but I would appreciate it restores also the window position. Thanks.

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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