selftest prompts for ssh password ??

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Tue Jun 30 16:48:50 BST 2009

>>>>> "Jelmer" == Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> writes:


    >> So there are several problems here:
    >> - it is not reproducible, it occurred to me while working on
    >> config tests but only at the 10 or so run,
    >> - the test is not properly isolated (the fallback credential
    >> store is installed by the plugin but the test suite should
    >> provides a clean state to tests),
    >> - the test is querying a user for the 'ftp' scheme, so not for
    >> 'ssh',
    >> - the prompt is emitted twice (funny that one :)
    >> Jelmer, can you shed some light on the last two points ?
    Jelmer> Sorry, I have no idea :-( Were the tests run in parallel?

No :-/

But thinking a bit more about it, the test suite generally (not
sure in that particular case) isolates itself from the
SSH_AUTH_SOCK, so, could *that* explain that gnomekeyring is a
bit lost ?


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