Bazaar Explorer thoughts

Russel Winder russel.winder at
Sun Jun 28 12:58:02 BST 2009

I started Bazaar Explorer in a shared repository and it nicely presented
the various branches -- minor caveat being I am not sure distinguishing
checkouts and bound branches works in the same way that distinguishing
branches, checkouts / bound branches, and repositories does.

These tabs are all above the content.

When I double click on one of the branches I get a new tab for that
branch, which is great.  However the tabs are below the content which
came as a surprise, I had expected the tabs to be above.
System information is system information in the standard sense (it says
nothing about the processor, memory, disc, etc.), it is only about the
Bazaar and Python information.

The information frames (from the Explore drop down) take a surprisingly
long time to appear.  OK so 1--1.5 s is not long in the grand scheme of
things, but my expectation for this sort of information is
"instantaneous", i.e. I do not perceive this to be a "requires work"
task, which means anything longer than 0.2--0.4 s is surprising.

Selecting "Settings | Branch Specific | Configuration" leads to a Gedit
window where I expected to get an Emacs window -- I thought I had set
things up so that my own script that deals with emacsclient gets used as
the editor.  Clearly Bazaar Explorer is using something other than
EDITOR or VISUAL environment variable to select the editor.

Qt is clearly picking up the colour scheme from my GTK theme, but I am
not convinced it is picking up the font -- either than or the rendering
of Ocean Sans MT is very different in Qt than in GTK.  (This is clearly
a Qt issue not a Bazaar Explorer, or QBzr, issue per se.)

Double clicking on an entry in the "Unversioned" list leads to a Gedit
window opening.  Double clicking on entries in the "Working tree" window
do nothing.  The two types of entry are clearly distinct, but I wonder
about consistency.  If I can get an editor by clicking in one window why
not in the other?  Conversly, why can I click to an editor at all in a
system that is not intended as a file manager?
On the other hand putting up the Browse frame allows me to double click
entries and I then get a text viewer -- not Gedit.  The entries in the
Browse frame look the same as the ones in the "Working tree" window so
there is an argument for allowing "click for view in the "Working tree"

The test viewer uses some nasty monospace font which does not appear to
be the system "fixed width font".  Personally I hate fixed width fonts,
is there any way to make the file viewer use a proportional font, or
better still use the system editor or Gedit as a last resort.
Hopefully this feedback is useful, more later.

Bazaar Explorer rocks! :-)

Dr Russel Winder      Partner
                                            xmpp: russel at
Concertant LLP        t: +44 20 7585 2200, +44 20 7193 9203
41 Buckmaster Road,   f: +44 8700 516 084   voip: sip:russel.winder at
London SW11 1EN, UK   m: +44 7770 465 077   skype: russel_winder
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