[RFC] Proposed plugins to bundle for 2.0

Ali Sabil ali.sabil at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 12:02:45 BST 2009

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 12:20 PM, Teemu Likonen<tlikonen at iki.fi> wrote:
> On 2009-06-25 05:57 (-0400), John Szakmeister wrote:
>> Once you understand that it's plucking your revisions and
>> re-targetting to be based on a different revision, I think "rebase" as
>> a command name makes quite a bit of sense.  rewrite-history seems
>> slightly more vague to me.
> I think it's also worth noticing that this certain other popular open
> source DVCS tool has already established the name "rebase" very well.
> Rebasing has become a concept of its own. If the feature is called
> something else in Bazaar then you'll be explaining people all the time
> that "yes, Bazaar supports rebase, it's called 'bzr historiographer'
> because of $philosophical_reason."
> But I don't know. Maybe Bazaar invents totally different concepts for
> manipulating history. Then perhaps different name for the command is fine.

This is not what I meant. I am all for keeping rebase as the command
name, what I was suggesting is to have the current bzr-rebase plugin
renamed, so that all the history manipulation commands (rebase, stash,
filter-branch, ...) reside in the same plugin.

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