No subject
Mon May 11 02:30:56 BST 2009
pp self.server._httpd.__dict__
we get:
{'RequestHandlerClass': <class bzrlib.tests.test_http.PredefinedRequestHandler at 0x225dd10>,
'_BaseServer__is_shut_down': <threading._Event object at 0x240dc90>,
'_BaseServer__serving': False,
'_home_dir': u'/home/vila',
'cert_file': u'/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/tests/ssl_certs/server.crt',
'key_file': u'/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/tests/ssl_certs/server_without_pass.key',
'server_address': ('', 40231),
'socket': <socket._socketobject object at 0x24132f0>,
'test_case_server': ActivityHTTPSServer(localhost:40231)}
serving : False ? Huh ?
Ouch, the test server is not running. So of course the client
hangs trying to connect.
cert_file: /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/tests/ssl_certs/server.crt
I bet that file doesn't exist on your machine right (they don't
on mine at least) ?
So what we have here is :
- a bug in the test server, it shouldn't fail to start
*silently*. And the test setUp should just abort if the server
can't be started.
- packaging bug, these test can't be run without these files,
they seems to be included in the tarball though, so I suspect
they are lost at installation time,
Now, if you create copy the content from the ssl_certs directory
from the bzr sources, the tests should pass.
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