Great news re faster imports

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Wed Jun 24 02:32:56 BST 2009

Hi all,

I'm in the process of benchmarking the new 2a format and wanted to share
some initial results. Step 1 in my overall process is importing some
projects into that format. Here are the numbers so far:

* my Wordpress snapshot with 6K revisions - 1m 19s

* my Python 3.0 snapshot with 38K revisions - 25m

* my Emacs snapshots with 105K revisions - 3h 30m

Those are *sweet* figures and show off the hard-yards John, Robert and
others have put in to performance tuning these last few weeks. By way of
comparison, importing Emacs into development6-rich-root was taking 16
hours only 2 months ago and the fast-import code hasn't changed in that

I'm currently importing OOo and hope to have some benchmark figures
available for publishing by end of week. I'm particularly looking
forward to seeing how annotate now performs after the nice work from
Vincent and John in improving it this last week!

Ian C.

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