selftest results for PPA 1.15-1 on x86_64

Maritza Mendez martitzam at
Sat Jun 20 15:59:00 BST 2009

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 7:30 AM, Vincent Ladeuil
<v.ladeuil+lp at<v.ladeuil%2Blp at>
> wrote:

>    Maritza> I realize each community has a different social
>    Maritza> standard for what is "safely ignored" and I think
>    Maritza> you can tell my perspective is more user-centric
>    Maritza> than developer-centric.
> Well, we try to provide a good user experience, for some of our
> users, it means using a tool for which the whole selftest suite
> is passing, I'm working toward that goal :)
>   Vincent

Hold on a  sec!  I wasn't saying there's anything wrong with the user
For the record, I am ++amazed++ at the number of tests in test selftest
Besides "big" projects like mysql and apache I've never seen anything like
this in open source.
All of you should be really proud of what you have done.

What I was trying to say but failed is admit that my perspective is a user
perspective.  So I do not know what social rules govern the test suite from
a developer point of view.

I am not qualified to comment on the overall quality of the test suite, but
the few tests I have stepped through show a real passion for getting things
right.  And the huge number of tests can only help.  This gives me great
confidence in bzr.

Initially I started using bzr because svn could not meet my needs for
merging and bzr is the best dvcs for me in terms of features and usability.
But lately I see that the focus on quality and the opneness of the community
is at least as important as the technical aspects.  I would rather use a
tool where problems are found and documented than a tool where no one knows
if there is a problem. Thank you all!

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