selftest results for PPA 1.15-1 on x86_64

Maritza Mendez martitzam at
Sat Jun 20 00:48:41 BST 2009

I'm asking for a sanity check please.

Before I try to interpret what selftest give me on Windows, I think it is
wise to understand what is normal on ubuntu.

A clean install of 1.15-1 from PPA on a jaunty box does not complete
selftest for me.

I'm not talking about failures.  I'm taking about stalled tests which
prevent selftest from finishing.

The stalls are confined to three test groups:

   1. test_read_bundle.TestReadBundleFromURL
   2. test_http.TestActivity
   3. test_transport_implementations.TransportTests

I am attaching a file with a list of the exact tests which stall.
It is interesting that all of the failures seem to involve https and several
of them were preceded by ERROR in pycurl.
I have python-pycurl 7.18.2-1 installed, which is the latest offered by
synaptic pointing at the Canonical servers.
It looks like the pycurl project released 7.19 last September...

Are these results expected?
Or do these results mean that my jaunty is not properly configured for bzr?

If I exclude the three test groups named above, the remaining 17784 tests
all run, with 1666 skips and 13 KnownFailures.

I suppose I should mention I am running 64 bits in case that matters:

> uname -a:
Linux rubuntu 2.6.28-13-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 2 07:55:09 UTC 2009
x86_64 GNU/Linux

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Name: stalls_related_to_https
Type: application/octet-stream
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