bzr.exe, PyQt4 and suport for image formats

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Fri Jun 19 15:31:28 BST 2009

Philippe Lhoste пишет:
> On 19/06/2009 16:04, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> John Arbash Meinel пишет:
>>> We're already way over size budget (something like 15MB, IIRC), so an
>>> extra 2MB isn't a huge deal. Certainly if it makes the qbzr developers
>>> lives easier, we'll all survive.
> Well, I find already the Windows distribution quite large (due largely 
> to Qt, precisely, but I reckon its usefulness so I don't tell it is a 
> dead weight!), 

There is also svn libs, although they are smaller than 20MiB of Qt libs.

> I am not keen to add extra charge, unless it is really 
> useful.
>> I'm not sure about size budget, but adding support for jpeg/gif image 
>> formats will make lif easier for qbzr *users*, not developers.
> I first thought it was to support Gif for Qbzr icons or something, and 
> was about to suggest to just stick to PNG...
> So in what form it is useful for users? Viewing versioned image files 
> directly inside QBzr? That's useful although it will never be 
> exhaustive... Other uses cases?

QBzr can show you diff for 2 images, or you can see your image files 
while browsing history. I found this useful.

>> I assume "d" variant has debug info inside. So deleting all "d" dlls
>> still give me images support but in this case size of imageplugins 
>> shrinks down to 918KiB. In the installer it would be around 500KiB or so.
> It is more reasonable... :-)


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