bzr.exe, PyQt4 and suport for image formats

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Fri Jun 19 15:04:01 BST 2009

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> bzr.exe has PyQt4 libs bundled inside of version 4.4.x (I don't know
>> exact version). In Qt 4.4.x series support for many image formats (gif,
>> ico, jpeg, scg, tiff) provided by plugins. These plugins currently is
>> not packaged to bzr.exe unfortunately, so QBzr lacks this support (it
>> can understand only built-in image formats, e.g. png, bmp).
>> To enable image support you need to place directory with image plugins
>> (named "imageformats") right into the folder where bzr.exe installed
>> (e.g. as C:\Program Files\Bazaar\imageformats). And then support for
>> jpeg/gif will work.
>> John, as I could see you already build 1.16 final installer, so this
>> recipe is a bit late. Is it possible to have imageformats plugins in the
>> next release? I can provide a patch to copy these plugins as part of
>> py2exe action. The size of folder with plugins is about 7MB. I think
>> they will increase the size of installer on 2-3MB.
> So I can see adding support for more than just png and bmp. I don't see
> a need to provide support for all possible image formats, since we only
> need what we will be using.
> We're already way over size budget (something like 15MB, IIRC), so an
> extra 2MB isn't a huge deal. Certainly if it makes the qbzr developers
> lives easier, we'll all survive.

I'm not sure about size budget, but adding support for jpeg/gif image 
formats will make lif easier for qbzr *users*, not developers.

Actually there is 2 forms of each image support plugin, e.g.

qjpe4.dll and qjpegd4.dll

The former is 160KiB in size and the latter is 1.3MiB in size.
I assume "d" variant has debug info inside. So deleting all "d" dlls
still give me images support but in this case size of imageplugins 
shrinks down to 918KiB. In the installer it would be around 500KiB or so.

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