Generate a Diff from a plugin

Patrick Dobbs patrick.dobbs at
Thu Jun 18 20:40:19 BST 2009

 > John - thanks very much! that worked very well

 > Forest - well spotted, saved me some time there, thank you

In case anyone browses this list for something similar, I've pasted 
rough code that seems to work.


import re, cStringIO
from bzrlib import branch,diff

def post_push_hook(push_result):
    rev_range = range(push_result.old_revno, push_result.new_revno)
    for rev_no in rev_range:

def process_one_revision(source,rev_no):
    rev_id = source.get_rev_id(rev_no)
    next_rev_id = source.get_rev_id(rev_no+1)
    message = source.repository.get_revision(next_rev_id).message
    bug_message ="(\s|^)(\#)(\d+)",message) # look for a bug 
id string like #2998
    if bug_message:
        bug_id =
        diff = get_diff(source,rev_id,next_rev_id)
        do_soap_bug_thing(message + "\n\n"+diff,bug_id) #not shown here

def get_diff(source_branch,rev_id1,rev_id2):
    tree1, tree2 = source_branch.repository.revision_trees([rev_id1, 
    out = cStringIO.StringIO()
    diff.show_diff_trees(tree1, tree2, out, old_label='', new_label='')
    return out.getvalue()

branch.Branch.hooks.install_named_hook('post_push', post_push_hook,
                                 'My post_push hook')


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