Dependencies in the PPA for Jaunty

Aaron Bentley aaron at
Mon Jun 15 19:50:42 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Maritza Mendez wrote:
> I understand what you are saying.  Requiring bzrtools to test against
> bzrRC is fine.  But we still need a mechanism to help people decide when
> upgrading makes sense for them.  That's what I was really trying to say.

Upgrading in what context?  If you're using the debs from the PPAs,
you'll always have a known-good combination.  Same if you're using the
Windows .exe installer.

If you're running from a branch of, then you're living on the
bleeding edge, and the process is more manual.  But we have frequent
releases, so you don't have to live on the edge unless you really want to.

> So winning mindshare
> will be well served by collecting the plugin compatibility documentation
> at one place. 

I guess we could do this.  It would be nicer if plugins could just
declare which Bazaar version they supported and have a page that
automatically updated based on those values.

> As I understand it, this job of making sure everything works together is
> basically done the hard way by distrinbution packagers

No, I don't think so.  Not everyone tracks the bzr version numbers like
bzrtools does, but people are pretty explicit about which bzr versions
are supported.  Certainly in the case of bzr-svn, you can assume it's
*not* compatible with the latest bzr until a version comes out that
specifically supports it.

>, like the ubuntu
> packagers.  But that happens so far upstream, compared to how fast the
> bzr team fixes bugs.

Do you mean downstream?  In common usage, the bzr team is the "upstream".

>  And as you say, the plugins can usually be updated
> in a few minutes.  Distros are slower, for good reason.  So there seems
> to be a need for an intermediate layer, which gets the hard work of the
> talented bzr core and plugin developers out to users faster than a
> distro can or should but with at least some minimal promise of
> stability.

Are the PPAs not that intermediate layer?

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