[MERGE] Make command discovery entirely callback driven.

Robert Collins robert.collins at canonical.com
Mon Jun 15 08:07:24 BST 2009

On Mon, 2009-06-15 at 17:03 +1000, Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> >>>>> +def get_all_cmds():
> >>>>>      d = _builtin_commands()
> >>>>>      if plugins_override:
> So I'm trying to say that this variable is still used in the code I
> reviewed, but isn't declared as a parameter any more. Maybe you've
> changed the code since ...

Oh! I get it now. Changed my mind in some code changes;  I'll put the
parameter back as the easiest way to fix.

> > remaining issues:
> >  - do we need to warn people off from using the hooks
> We don't need to warn them off - just let them know that they aren't
> *required* to use them to register a command in a plugin.

Ok. I'm not sure how best to get the message across though:- do you
think just mentioning it in the docs for (say) get_command is enough?
The infrastructure for hook docs doesn't have a slot for 'conceptual
docs' at the moment.

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