Formats (Was: bzr 1.16rc1 released!)

Jonathan Lange jml at
Mon Jun 15 03:42:23 BST 2009

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Jonathan Lange<jml at> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 6:11 AM, Martin Pool<mbp at> wrote:
>> 2009/6/12 Paul Moore <p.f.moore at>:
>>> 2009/6/12 Paul Moore <p.f.moore at>:
>>>> Just a minor nit on the form of the announcement:
>>>> 2009/6/12 Jonathan Lange <jml at>:
>>>> [...]
>>>>> * A new repository format ``2a`` has been added.
>>>> [...]
>>>>> * ``--development7-rich-root`` is a new dev format, similar to ``--dev6``
>>>> As a "normal" end user reading this, it sounds like bzr 1.6 contains
>>>> two brand new formats. There's nothing that I can see which indicates
>>>> which one I should use (OK, neither, as they are both development/beta
>>>> versions, but I hope you see what I'm getting at). By my reading, 2a
>>>> is what I should look at if I want a feel for what's coming in 2.0,
>>>> and --development7-rich-root is "something else" - but I don't know
>>>> what.
>>>> This is precisely the sort of thing that leads to people saying  that
>>>> Bazaar has "too many confusing formats".
>>>> I assume it's obvious to the developers what's actually going on here
>>>> - but hopefully my impression as a member of "the general public" is
>>>> useful feedback on how it's presented.
>> Thanks for raising it.  I think, in this case, it's best considered a
>> bug in the release notes: we should just not mention
>> development7(-rich-root), because it's essentially just a different
>> name for 2a.  In the review John actually suggested deleting it
>> outright.
>> It's a good thing we do candidates and have thoughtful users giving
>> feedback. :-)
> I'll make sure we get a patch for this in before the final release.

Up for review:


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