bzr-svn / qbzr issue with qlog

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Thu Jun 11 08:57:55 BST 2009

Russel Winder пишет:
> The context is a shared repository with two checkouts of a Subversion
> repository, one is a checkout of trunk, the other is a checkout of a
> branch (*).  I have two branches from the checkouts in which real work
> gets done.  It may not be optimal but it seems to work.
> My problem is that when I do a qlog of the repository I appear to be
> getting some misinformation.  In particular, Trunk is being presented as
> a branch from the branch -- when I think it ought to be the other way
> around, certainly that is how Subversion sees it.
> So qlog gives me a linear list of revisions 1 -> 772 the branch then
> continues 773 -> 788.  Trunk is then presented as a branch 772.1.1 ->
> 772.1.102.  This just seems the wrong way round to me, Trunk should
> continue with the main numbering and the branch should have branch
> numbering.
> Clearly either qlog is misinterpreting data or bzr-svn is not presenting
> the data correctly for qlog to interpret.

It's a qlog problem.

> I can put this up as a bug report if that is deemed appropriate (with
> images if so desired).
> Thanks.
> (*) Actually this shared repository is the master for the project, I am
> using a checkout to allow the Subversion store to be a mirror -- the
> difference is managerially, and procedurally very important :-)

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