[RFC] make -n0 the default for log -or- make annotate and similar commands calculate merged revs

Robert Collins robert.collins at canonical.com
Wed Jun 10 13:29:08 BST 2009

On Wed, 2009-06-10 at 07:57 -0400, John Szakmeister wrote:

> The latter has been a source of frustration between me and several
> other developers.  When the default changed, all I saw was the "Merged
> from parent" style commits, and made log much less useful.  I was
> aware of the change, and some things were debated, so I knew that the
> decision wasn't made willy-nilly.  But it's definitely been a source
> of frustration.  Yeah, -n0 solves the problem.  The thing is, only one
> of us could be considered a power user.  So that means I need to go
> and show everyone how to get at that information.
> Fortunately, qlog is a great interface, so once we got every
> -John

I presume you go on to say 'once everyone using bzr qlog rather than
using 'bzr log' it was all fine? 

Thanks for the data.

It would be really good to get data from new users, whom Ian asserts are
most benefited by the -n1 as default behaviour.

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