Dependencies in the PPA for Jaunty

Joseph Wakeling joseph.wakeling at
Wed Jun 10 11:22:50 BST 2009

Hello everyone,

A couple of queries about version dependencies on the bzr PPA.  I'm
running Kubuntu Jaunty.

Currently I'm unable to upgrade from the PPA: bzr, bzrtools and bzr-svn
are continually held back.  I think this is down to bzr-svn
dependencies: my currently installed version (0.5.4) requires bzr <
1.15~, while the newer version on the PPA (0.6.1) requires a newer
version of bzr-rebase than is in Jaunty.

There is no newer bzr-rebase on the bzr PPA and -- correct me if I'm
wrong -- bzr-rebase doesn't have its own PPA to upgrade from.

So ... is there any chance of bzr-rebase being included in the PPA
selection of plugins?  It seems like a good idea for the PPA to be fully
self-consistent in its dependencies.

Thanks & best wishes,

    -- Joe

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