[RFC] make -n0 the default for log -or- make annotate and similar commands calculate merged revs

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Wed Jun 10 08:41:08 BST 2009

Andrew Cowie wrote:

> Not showing submitted revisions makes it look like Patch Queue Manager
> wrote Bazaar and makes it look like Andrew Cowie wrote java-gnome. These
> are both false, and, socially destructive. There is nothing more
> important than visibly assigning credit and rewarding contribution. The
> current default works against this.

We have --author for a reason. PQM not using it is a PQM bug.

>> My preference is to make -n0 the default
> Hear hear.

I'm strongly against this. See my reply to Robert.

> While we're at it, can we lose the "[merge] " prefix? The dotted revnos
> are more than enough to make the point, and even worse if you're going
> to keep doing the indenting things, we *really* don't need that "[merge]
> " string eating 8 characters of available width.

I'm in agreement here for --line. A simple, short indicator at the end
of line ought to do instead of [merge] smack bang in the middle. It's on
my list but not need the top. (It's a pretty small patch if you want to
give it a go.)

Ian C.

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