[RFC] make -n0 the default for log -or- make annotate and similar commands calculate merged revs

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Wed Jun 10 03:27:24 BST 2009

2009/6/10 Robert Collins <robert.collins at canonical.com>:
> When we annotate a file, we show a dotted revno on most-or-many lines.
> However,
> bzr log | less
> /<revno>
> Won't find that revision.
> I think this is a bug. Either annotate should do more work, so that what
> it shows is findable, or log show be showing it.
> My preference is to make -n0 the default - after some time with it as
> non-default, I find I am typing -n0 on 3/4 times that I run log (and the
> times I don't type it I usually have to run log again).

I'm ok with the current behaviour.  What I'd really like is for
annotate to show the relevant revisions at the bottom of its output,
or maybe inline.

Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>

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