Trimming bzr package size
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at
Tue Jun 9 14:44:46 BST 2009
John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Hash: SHA1
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Matt Nordhoff пишет:
>>> Brad Schick wrote:
>>>> On 6/8/2009 10:35 PM, Brad Schick wrote:
>>>>> I am deploying bzr 1.15 on Ubuntu Linux systems and noticed that the
>>>>> PPA
>>>>> for bzr 1.15 is rather large for a command-line tool (currently just
>>>>> over 5MB).
>>>> I just noticed that the bzr debian package contains many tests. Seems
>>>> like this should be part of the source distribution and not part of the
>>>> standard install. After install, /usr/share/pyshared/bzrlib/tests is
>>>> 6.7M.
>>> You can run the test suite with "bzr selftest", and many parts of bzrlib
>>> import bzrlib.tests, so removing them all would be more complicated than
>>> just "rm -rf bzrlib/tests".
>>> Not that it's a bad idea, necessarily... Just sayin' that it wouldn't be
>>> completely trivial to do.
>> I've tried to split tests out of bzrlib. This is hard but possible.
>> But without nested trees it's not very good idea, IMO.
> I think that comes down to creating reasonable packaging scripts, rather
> than trying to do it as part of bzr itself.
> Basically, you take the tarball we create as part of the 1.15 release
> and then:
> mv bzrlib/tests ../bzr-tests
> mv doc ../bzr-doc
> Then package what is left of bzr, and then create a package for
> 'bzr-tests' and 'bzr-doc'.
> There would probably need to be a few updates to the core of bzrlib to
> avoid 'from bzrlib.tests import X' in a few places. (cmd_selftest comes
> to mind, but I think a lot of the TransportServer code uses test suite
> fixtures.)
I've made the split year ago. There is too much dependencies in bzrlib
itself on tests package. So, it's not trivial. You have to rewrite some
parts to be lazy loadable.
> Though I also thought that part of building packages was to run the
> program's test suite, and I'm not sure how that works with ripping out
> the test suite...
> So if someone wants to put forth the effort, I think it would be okay to
> have a bzr-doc and a bzr-test.
> John
> =:->
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