[MERGE][1.16] Added directory structure and started translation of docs in Russian.

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Tue Jun 9 11:24:06 BST 2009

Several people from ru_bzr group (Russian Bazaar Users) working hard on 
docs translation to Russian. Here is first big patch with translations.

So far translated:

* Quick Start Card (svg/png/pdf versions available)
* Bazaar in Five Minutes (mini-tutorial)
* A longer tutorial (doc/en/tutorials/tutorial.txt)
* Using Bazaar with Launchpad tutorial
* Centralized workflow tutorial

Started (but not finished yet): User Guide

The links to untranslated (yet) documents  points to English originals, 
so we don't have broken links there.

Attached merge directive without patch and bundle, because full patch is 
6.5MB in size.
The branch available at lp:~ru-bzr/bzr/doc-ru
Result of `make docs` one can see there:

I've attached also excerpt from preview diff with changes to Makefiles 
and some type fixed in originals. I'm not sure anybody without Russian 
language knowledge will be able to review translations itself. So it's 
not clear for me how the review process for such patches should work.

I'd like to have this merged into 1.16.
Please, merge this patch.
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