Trimming bzr package size

Brad Schick schickb at
Tue Jun 9 06:35:02 BST 2009

I am deploying bzr 1.15 on Ubuntu Linux systems and noticed that the PPA
for bzr 1.15 is rather large for a command-line tools (currently just
over 5MB). Somewhat ironically, I noticed this due to much slower repo
clones after pushing bzr's .dep into a bzr repository. Looking into this
a bit, I found that most of the bulk is in the docs:

/usr/share/doc/bzr$ du -h

288K    ./txt/developers
24K    ./txt/en/developer-guide
116K    ./txt/en/release-notes
4.0K    ./txt/en/mini-tutorial
28K    ./txt/en/tutorials
172K    ./txt/en/user-reference
212K    ./txt/en/user-guide
4.0K    ./txt/en/admin-guide
560K    ./txt/en
4.0K    ./txt/es/mini-tutorial
12K    ./txt/es/guia-usuario
16K    ./txt/es
876K    ./txt
1.4M    ./html/developers
88K    ./html/en/developer-guide
504K    ./html/en/release-notes
16K    ./html/en/mini-tutorial
1.2M    ./html/en/quick-reference
84K    ./html/en/tutorials
336K    ./html/en/user-reference
276K    ./html/en/user-guide/images
516K    ./html/en/user-guide
2.7M    ./html/en
16K    ./html/es/mini-tutorial
16K    ./html/es
4.0M    ./html
5.0M    .

In particular, there are two 24 bit PNG images that add up to 1.3MB alone.

700K    ./html/developers/performance.png
644K    ./html/en/quick-reference/quick-start-summary.png

A few ideas:

- Many debian/ubuntu packages provide non-essential documentation in
separate "-doc" packages. This might be a good idea for bzr. In
particular the developer docs, but I'd actually prefer everythiny except
man/info pages be extracted.
- Both of those large PNG images can be reduced by 50% or more by
converting them to indexed (quantized) images. Currently they are 24bit
RGBs. For example, I can't personally see any different after running
"convert performance.png +dither -colors 32 performance_indexed.png".
And the result is 537K smaller!
- Other smaller PNGs don't convert so well perhaps due to lots of
anti-aliasing. Although not as important, it seems like those could be
simplified and indexed as well.


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