bzr-svn 1.0 ?

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Tue Jun 9 03:30:15 BST 2009

Talden wrote:
>> Are there any problems or missing functionality that you consider
>> blockers for bzr-svn 1.0?
> How about detecting renames/moves?  Any revision for which a
> path:revision is deleted and that same path:revision is copied to a
> new path is a move.  Obviously we can't represent copies (now at
> least) but bazaar could represent the moves.
While I agree this would be very nice to support, this would be
expensive (in terms of performance) to determine, as the path:revision
that is deleted is not necessarily the one that is copied from (just
from looking at log) and we'd have to work a lot harder to find the
correct file ids. Ideally Bazaar should just support path tokens,
that'll make this a lot easier and should kill two birds with one stone
(copies *and* renames).
> The quality of a log for a path (truncated at last move) in my bzr-svn
> branches isn't good enough for me to use for an svn-bzr migration -
> I'll probably have to hack up a fast-export that makes the appropriate
> detections (branches/tags/mainlines/moves) to get the migration
> accepted by the team.
FWIW renames pushed using Bazaar will already work, just not copy+delete
done from Subversion itself.



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